Code of Conduct
Community Commitment
We are proud to lead our community of founders, innovators, partners and extended ecosystem members in upholding our commitment to building an inclusive and equitable environment. This commitment is based on a shared vision of respect, appreciation and empathy. We recognize, admire and value the diverse backgrounds, experiences, identities and perspectives that each individual brings to the community. Most importantly, we believe that diversity of race, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, disability status, religious affiliation and socioeconomic status are what makes a community strong and vibrant.
We want to provide safe spaces for activities and conversations that contribute to our cultural growth and break down barriers to participation in the startup ecosystem. The Community Commitment ensures that everyone understands what behaviour is expected and outlines how inappropriate behaviour will be treated. The community commitment applies to all members of our community.
The Alberta Catalyzer program is a merit-based government-funded initiative designed to help propel the growth of startups. The content, sessions, events and resources have been diligently curated to provide a combination of foundational startup building blocks specifically for startups at your stage of development. As such, the program is FREE to startups, and every cohort accepts a limited number of participants. Your commitment to this program is your active participation in every session, during your weekly coaching calls, and at events and networking sessions.
Code of Conduct
Good Conduct
Treat all community members with respect, appreciation and empathy
Contribute to Alberta Catalyzer in a way that promotes inclusion and belonging
Report any unacceptable conduct (outlined under “Poor Conduct”) to the Program Manager
Participate in Alberta Catalyzer with an open mind and a focus on learning
The program is designed to build on a foundation each week and requires all participants to attend and engage in all sessions. The program content is not pick-and-choose and all participants are expected to complete all exercises and participate in all workshops
Be an active participant, ask questions, turn on your cameras (if virtual) etc.
Attend 100% of program sessions and coaching calls - all sessions are mandatory
Point of Contact
Engage & Traction - Christina Garies (christina.garies@albertacatalyzer.com)
Velocity North (Edmonton) - Colin MacDonald (colin.macdonald@albertacatalyzer.com)
Velocity South (Calgary) - Kaitlyn Steel (kaitlyn.steel@albertacatalyzer.com)
Excused Absences
Appointments that can’t be moved, etc.
Family emergency
someone close to them is sick or in need of assistance immediately
Immediate response needed for dependants (kids, elderly)
Valid business meeting
Meetings that cannot be moved with customers, investors, government offices, highly sought-after professional services
This will be at the discretion of the coach if the missed session is warranted
Excused absences will need to be accompanied by a plan from the founder on how they will catch up on what is missed either with the Program Manager and/or their coach.
If you need to miss any sessions or coaching calls for any other reason, please immediately inform your Program Manager.
Poor Conduct
Please note that Alberta Catalyzer members reserve the right to remove founders found to be in Poor Conduct, including removal from the program. Founders who have been removed from the program may have their ability to participate in subsequent programming from either Edmonton Unlimited, Platform Calgary, or Alberta Innovates negatively impacted.
Demonstrating physical or verbal aggression towards other community members
Any form of discrimination based on sex, gender identity and/or expression, race, colour, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, medical condition, genetic information, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability;
Disrespect towards the physical or virtual environment
Examples: Leaving a mess, outbursts during sessions
Exhibiting disruptive, unsafe, insubordinate, boisterous, obscene, vulgar, or disrespectful behaviour
Unexcused Absences or Poor Attendance
No show on a coaching call
No show to a session
Not communicating with the Program Manager about absences
Not bringing a plan to catch up with missed sessions and/or coaching calls to the Program Manager & your coach
I understand that…
I must complete tasks and assignments as issued by the program
I must participate and fully engage in all sessions, coaching calls and events
I shall be punctual for program sessions and come prepared with questions on course content, or deliverables when meeting with my coach.
I must provide open feedback about the program for Alberta Catalyzer to iterate and improve.
Alberta Catalyzer is an open & safe place for startups to learn from one another. I am not to disclose any information related to the business of another startup to any third party.
I shall be punctual for program sessions and come prepared with questions on course content, or deliverables when meeting with my coach.
Alberta Catalyzer takes ZERO equity in my startup.
Alberta Catalyzer provides access to a coach for the duration of the program and that, for the duration of the program, the coach (or any other coaches in the program) cannot enter into any other professional engagements with any founders
This agreement in its entirety and the expectations of the program.